Our first rookie gave a speech this week reminding everyone how moral he is, how inflexible he is regarding what he would do, or not do, to execute his oath of office to protect the country.
After all, it's not like our current president has any life experience to suggest he's tough enough to face serious challenges to our safety. He's a 'hopeful' dreamer. A lawyer and community organizer. Basically, an unaccomplished liberal who has been a 'do-gooder' of the socialist stripe.

While reading the review of Ross' book, Wonderboy's lack of preparedness to use our armed forces to defend the US became obvious when I read this passage,
"Like Sun Tzu, Rogers understood that victory was as much a matter of psychology as firepower or numbers: In an unconventional war in the wilderness, the general’s job is to overcome his men’s fear of the savage and unknown and impose it on the enemy. He once scalped a captured French soldier in full view of a fort’s French garrison: The French surrendered a short while later."
I can't imagine Wonderboy understanding the necessity of Roger's action in the passage. Upon hearing of the episode, he'd probably have the leader brought up on charges, then convey his apology to the enemy.
I think of Obama in the same light as Carter and, to an extent, Wilson. A cockeyed, naive dreamer for world peace who believes all other men and nations have noble intentions toward us.
Those previous presidents sowed seeds of future problems for America. I suspect Wonderboy is doing so even now.