“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Edifice Complexes

I recently watched a program on the History channel describing Nero's burning of Rome, to clear way for his new pleasure palace. He only lived in it for about six months, before being deposed and executed.

Consider Washington, D.C.- our country's "hack central." How are our Congressional office buildings named? Has any Representative or Senator ever asked you for naming ideas?

The building names are all incestuous pats on the backs by Representatives and Senators to themselves - Dirksen (from my old state and, by the way, district, too), Hart, and Russell for the Senate. Rayburn, Cannon and Longworth for the House.

Would any of us taxpayers name these large, expensive buildings in Washington for the hacks we had to send up to the Hill?

Why aren't they named, for example, Hale, Aldrin, Perry, Sheridan, Morse, Edison, or Marshall? Named for great Americans, instead of forgettable hacks. Or for posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor winners? Men and women who truly sacrificed for our country, as recognized by Congress. How fitting, no?

Who even recalls Longworth or Cannon? Rayburn was the consummate (Texan) trough-feeding House hack...um......Speaker.

It's just unconscionable. Mark my words, regardless of her record or brevity of service, Pelosi will get a shrine, too, just for being the first female 'First Hack' of the House. Instead of, perhaps, Molly Pitcher, Florence Nightingale, or the first female cabinet secretary. It's just disgraceful, and I mean that in a very non-partisan manner.

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