“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, February 5, 2007

More On Global Warming: CNBC Video Clip

For more on the "other" side of the global warming issue, see this video clip from CNBC this morning.

The description reads,

"According to meteorologist Dr. William Gray, global warming is due to natural alternations of global ocean circulation and rainfall. Dr. Gray shares his view with CNBC's Joe Kernen."


Dr. Grey provides some valuable perspective on the political context governing the scientific "debate," or non-debate, on this now-popular topic.

I find it very disturbing that such widespread disagreement with the prevailing popular, but scientifically unproven, opinion on global warming is ignored, disdained, and/or dismissed as irrelevant, biased, or nonsensical.

As Dr. Grey points out, the current popular opinion is, itself, incredibly biased.

Just for the record, to restate the "alternative" hypothesis,

"That it is currently unproven that recent global temperature changes are:

a) outside of the range of measurement error, and/or;
b) outside the range of the long-term warming/cooling cycle values of the planet, and/or;
c) a function exclusively, or primarily and predominantly of human activity, particularly with respect to their carbon-dioxide-emitting activities."

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