“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Predictable Hollywood: Al Gore's Oscar

Hopefully, this is a harbinger of the left's loss of the Midwest, as Hollywood continues to idolize liberal causes, Gore, et. al.

"WarmBoy" Al attempted to make his movie 'more than a political cause,' according to his speech, but it's clearly not. There is no convincing evidence that a) his outrageous claims are likely to occur, and/or, b) that humans are responsible for causing more global climate change than is naturally occurring over time.

In fact, if you think about it, the left has misnamed its cause rather intentionally. They castigate humans for "global warming," when it's not the recent, possibly temporary, warming trend that is debated. It is whether we know that human activity is primarily responsible for the warming. There is considerable evidence that CO2 levels were higher in prior epochs, without warmer temperatures. Climatology is far more complex than Al and company would have you believe.

At least the good news is, most people pay zero attention to Hollywood's latest causes for very long. In some ways, this 'award' probably diminishes WarmBoy in the eyes of those who might have taken him seriously as a politician. In fact, as Al tried to make light of the fact, the truth is, he hopes this pandering to the left on environmental issues may re-ignite his political career. Thus the joke about intending to read his announcement of another run for the Presidency.

Isn't it funny, that politics, being so, or almost purely, emotional, leads people to behave in ways that they cannot help? You knew the Hollywood crowd would give Al this Oscar. Despite how it reinforces the extremely liberal bias in Hollywood, and Gore's sucking up to this community. They just can't help themselves, no matter how obvious their motives are to other Americans.

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