“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

John Edwards' "Bumper Sticker" Remark Comes Back To Haunt Him

I wrote this recent post discussing the unfortunate timing of two significant threats to American security that may materially effect the Democratic Presidential candidates ability to retake the White House in 2008.

However, the damage done to one candidate in particular, John Edwards, by the JFK airport plot uncovered this past weekend, seems to be outsized.

Talk about bad timing. Here's a YouTube clip featuring Edwards' remarks that the global war on terror is 'just a bumper sticker,' pre-dating this weekend's events, including the Democratic candidate 'debate' in New Hampshire. Edwards had re-iterated this theme, which he evidently believed to be a winning slogan.

His continued diminishment of this real threat was lampooned in this humorous video clip, also from YouTube.

And, here, Rudy Giuliani rebuts Edwards' foolish remark with his own sentiments.

Perhaps the most telling measure of the longer-term effects of Edwards' attitude toward this real global conflict was seen on Bill O'Reilly's program last week. I happened to catch a few minutes of it one evening, during which he cited polls that had Edwards losing 8 percentage points of support in recent surveys of Democratic Presidential contenders.

At this rate, Edwards may need to start sharing a bus with co-contender Dennis (The Menace) Kucinich to save on campaign funds.

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