“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, September 3, 2007

Kudlow's Interview with Mitt Romney

I happened to catch Larry Kudlow's interview with Mitt Romney on CNBC last week. Romney was very impressive.

He identifies Hillary Clinton as the economic numb skull that she is. His actual words were something to this effect,

'Based upon her comments and statements, she doesn't have any idea how our economy works. I do.'

Romney then continued to cite his impressive business experience, plus rescuing the Salt Lake City Olympics, and governing Massachusetts.

Overall, I was extremely impressed with his easy, quick manner and explanation of economic and business concepts. Not that I am unimpressed or disappointed with President Bush. I'm not.

However, knowing Romney's history of co-founding Bain Capital, it's evident this guy really knows the business environment. And how macroeconomic policies on matters such as taxation will affect our nation's economic performance and overall well-being.

Further, I've read about his modified 'universal' healthcare prescription for the nation. It's quite different from what he compromised to install in Massachusetts.

Initially, the state plan had me very worried about Romney's commitment to conservative, free market principles on healthcare. Since his national plan takes into account his ability, as President, to effect changes he could not as a state governor, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

While I have doubts about his inevitable electability, I believe I would prefer Romney to Giuliani, were that the choice I had.

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