“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More Out of Touch Ramblings from Peggy Noonan

This Friday's Wall Street Journal column by Peggy Noonan, one-time Reagan speech writer, may have hit a new low for being out of touch with reality.

She lauded Chris Dodd and Joe Biden for having good sense and a grasp of complex issues. She boosted Obama for his 'thoughtful look.'

Oh my God! What in the world has gotten into Noonan?

These are not "good" candidates. Dodd and Biden are relatively minor, attention-seeking, long-in-the-tooth Senators of the Dole and McCain model. They run on the same "it's my turn, dammit!" platform.

Being a longtime insider, I don't think Noonan can really see this anymore.

The Democratic party doesn't have a 'really good' candidate. They have various damaged candidates scrambling after a soon-to-be-vacant Oval Office with no incumbent running.

The good news, though, is that if one of them gets in, it's a fair bet that they will only enjoy at most two years of Congressional majority, before the whole gang gets carried away with spending, liberal legislation, etc., and get the Republicans back in control of the House and Senate.

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