“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Observations On Hillary's Lead Among Democratic Presidential Candidates

A seasoned newsman and political reporter, now writing for other purposes, was discussing the two party's Presidential contenders with me at a dinner party last Saturday night.

We agreed that Obama Bim Baden is too green and immature to win his party's nomination. Then, again, we also agreed that Hillary is too brittle.

As I mused about how much money she has raised, my colleague noted what happened in the 2004 Democratic Presidential race.

Not being a registered Dem, I don't recall the details. He asked me to remember Howard Dean's lead in Iowa, followed by, I believe, his victory in New Hampshire? He was the guy to beat.

Then he did that roar thing on camera. And his campaign began to unravel, losing momentum. To be candid, I had quite forgotten this.

My colleague's point was, despite Dean's money and momentum, he managed to critically, mortally wound himself while in the lead, and lost the nomination to Kerry.

That's probably why, when asked about running a near-perfect campaign to date, Hillary found some wood nearby to knock on, smiling that silly, forced grin of hers.

There's still a lot of time and uncontrollable events to unfold before the last primary vote is counted.

Wouldn't it be wild if someone like Edwards or, even less likely, Richardson, actually makes a fight of the Democratic nomination?

Most Presidential races feature a few surprises, and I have this feeling that, with everyone already expecting Hillary in the Oval Office come 2009, that's just what won't occur.

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