“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Beware The Faux-Conservative: Mike Hickabee

Kim Strassel wrote a wonderful, informative piece about former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in a recent edition of the Wall Street Journal. It's not the first of its ilk in the Journal, but it is somewhat more current, given Hick-abee's recent rise in polls in Iowa.

As in an earlier Journal piece, by which author I do not recall, Strassel provides details which demonstrate Hick-abee's lie, when he casts himself as a conservative.

He has a nearly-impossible plan to totally revise taxation in America, grandiosely calling for the abolition of the IRS.

As if.

He speaks of support for headline-type conservative positions, such as "lower taxes," a "strong America," and "health care reform." But his detailed, practical plans for such are missing.

Essentially, as another Arkansas Governor before him, Hick-abee is long on style, charisma and jocularity, but short on specifics.

Why should one run for President? To provide solutions not readily available. Why do candidates often run? Because they simply would like the job.

Of the Republicans, I think only Romney and Giuliani genuinely offer specifics on what they would do to handle various issues and problems which our nation currently faces.

I like Thompson but, truth be told, to back him is to back a style and attitude, more than positions and a record. As with the McCain, the maniacal Ron Paul, or Tancredo.

It's the same, I fear, with the latest hick from the South, Mike Hick-abee.

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