“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hillary, Obama, the Race Card & the November Election

It occurred to me this weekend that a very interesting and not yet discussed situation could easily develop by the November elections.

Suppose that Hillary, through sheer firepower, organizational depth and grit, outlasts Obama Bim Baden to become the Democratic standard-bearer in the general Presidential election this coming November.

Whether by alleging Obama played the race card, or playing 'too' rough, Hillary may trump her very junior opponent to win the Democratic nomination.

If she does, could the black voters of Democratic persuasion hand whichever Republican faces Hillary in November by simply staying home?

What if many of the blacks now moving to support the first 'real' black Democratic Presidential candidate become angry at the Clintons for playing 'hardball' a little too hard? Or just become disenchanted that the Clintons don't think one President in a married couple is sufficient, and have to ace out the black candidate running against Hillary?

Could it be that an unforeseen consequence of Hillary beating her black opponent won't be to unite black voters behind her, but, rather, see them move either to the middle, uninvolved, or even, in extreme cases, actually vote for her Republican opponent?

It would be a rich price to pay, indeed, for Hillary's and Bill's relentless, no-holds-barred style of campaigning.

To my knowledge, nobody's considered this effect. Sure, pundits constantly opine on whether the presumed ultra-right Christian vote will turn out for Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney. But what about the other side? What about blacks who feel similarly disenfranchised and ignored?

Couldn't that group easily account for the margin of victory for a Republican in a close-fought Presidential election?


Anonymous said...

Actally, many black people are discussing this in barber shops and campuses. What they are wondering now is that they may have been played by the Clintons during all these years- They genuinely believed that Bill Clinton was on their side- But after New Hampshire, they realize they have been duped

C Neul said...


Thanks for your comment.

How sad is that, eh?

Last night on Fox News, there was a debate on this very subject. That blacks are now realizing that Clinton was using them all along while President.

And, in fact, one guest commentator even mentioned what you have noted. That blacks are now discussing their disenchantment, and the possibility of simply staying home in November.