“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, February 15, 2008

Democrats Lawyer Up

No, I'm not referring to the looming court battles between Hillary and Obama over the Floridian delegates.

Instead, I'm noting that all three original front-running Democratic Presidential candidates were lawyers- Obama, Hillary and John Edwards.

In this respect, the Democrats are quite distinct from the Republicans in the nature of the vocations of their Presidential aspirants.

Romney was a consultant, governor and Olympic troubleshooter/manager.

Giuliani was a lawyer, but not for the plaintiff's bar. Rather, he was a Federal prosecutor, then NYC mayor, and now a consultant.

Fred Thompson, too, was originally a lawyer. And a Senator. But he was, and probably will again be, an actor.

Isn't it interesting that for a job that involves leading the country forward to solve both known and potential problems, the Democrats fielded sophists. That is, those whose calling is to argue either side of any issue.

This alone should tell you how prepared the Democrats are to apply relevant skills that will actually lead the country and solve problems. You can't give what you don't have, and Hillary and Obama only have legal training to guide them.

Come to think of it, Bill (Clinton) was a lawyer, too. And look at the mess he left George Bush (non-lawyer, business school graduate) to clean up.

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