“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Equal Time: Obama

As I did in a post earlier today with Hillary Clinton, I'd like to explore some of Obama's recent claims amidst his bid for the Oval Office.

While not having a Wall Street Journal editorial to critique, I have heard, more times than I can count, or want to, Obama's recent political television ad. In it, he espouses, as I recall:

-a tax cut for the middle class

-affordable health care for all

-bringing back middle class jobs to America

-reuniting 'one America'

That's quite a plateful. Let's consider these promises.

A tax cut for the middle class would be great! Does that mean he will push Congress to make the Bush tax cuts permanent? Let's hope so. He'd be finishing the job of his predecessor.

I'm at a loss to understand how Obama, whose health care plan is not really different from HillaryCare 2.0, is going to bring "affordable health care" to all with the usual mandate that insurers cannot use price to offset risks. As with RomneyCare in Massachusetts and ArnoldCare in California, ObamaCare won't be able to fulfill this pledge because he will try to legislate prices, thus shrinking availability of coverage, or make all insured customers of.....Uncle Sam.

Think that's ever going to be affordable in the long term? No way.

How will Obama personally 'bring back middle class jobs to America?' Is he, as I asked of Hillary in the prior, linked post, going to now function as VP of Human Resources for America, too? Does he have some magic crystal ball that allows him to know which jobs to create onshore for our economy?

Silly me. I thought the private sector did that. I thought that government's job was to provide an economic environment hospitable to private risk taking and economic value creation- not actually purport to create jobs. Or know which should be created.

Finally, Obama trumpets that we are "one America," and he's going to unite us all.

Fat chance. This is a country with a history of bare-knuckle political brawling. We celebrate our differences, and only compromise when it's unavoidable.

Further, Obama is the ultra-liberal darling of the Daily Kos folks. They have 'one' way, alright- their ultra-liberal way.

Do you really think Obama intends, or could afford, to compromise with conservatives, and live to tell about it? The far left will eviscerate him if he tries that.

And what about defense? The only thing we know about Obama vis a vis the country's military strength is that he won't use it. He'll run away from our current enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq. He'll probably never be capable of ordering US armed forces in harm's way to protect our interest or challenge our enemies.

Won't he be lying if he takes the oath of office, when he gets to the part about,

"....and defend the Constitution.....?"

Here's a guy with zero- absolutely zero- relevant adult experience to be President. His only differentiating campaign riff is 'uniting us for change.'

But what change? How can we unite behind an inexperienced windbag for unspecified changes?

It rings hollow. Too hollow to risk trusting our precious democracy and world-class economy to this neophyte windbag in nice suits.

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