“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, March 31, 2008

What Obama & The Liberals Don't "Get" About The Situation with His Minister

The recent firestorm involving Obama's (hastily retired) church minister who was seen on DVD excoriating whites and the US has been completely misunderstood by liberals and, most notably, the candidate himself.

It's not about the minister. It is about how Obama reacted, or did not react, over the 20 year period.

Various liberal pundits keep dredging up Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson or Billy Graham in order to defend Jeremiah Wright. I've seen Alan Colmes, the not-too-bright foil for Fox News' Sean Hannity, squawk about these white ministers several times now whenever Jeremiah Wright is the subject of discussion.

What Colmes, and his ilk, don't grasp is that Americans are not as concerned about what Wright did or said. They know where he stands, what he said and what he did.

It's Obama whose judgment people now question.

See the difference?

In all of Obama's attempts to make this issue go away, he has yet to provide a convincing explanation for his judgment and inaction.

He briefly touched on it in his "race" speech, veiling his inaction behind a generic reference to others not leaving their church just because they had a minor difference of opinion with 'something' that their minister said.

On The View last week, he ducked the issue entirely, putting so many conditions in the way, at Barbara Walters' behest, that his reply became totally absurd and silly.

But what Amercians wonder is this- is Obama insensitive to racist speak and actions?

Is the Senator who helped drive Don Imus from the air waves last year for one show in which racist words were uttered going to do nothing while his own minister rails against whites and the US over the course of twenty years?

Is this an example of the judgment Obama will use if elected President?

Wright will be who he is, and Obama is not responsible for him.

Obama is responsible for his own actions and reactions to Wright's racist and anti-American speech.

If I had just one question to ask Obama, it would be this:

How do you reconcile your hounding Don Imus off the air for a limited amount of admittedly racist comments, yet have no explanation for your tolerance and accommodation of your minister's racist remarks over two decades- remarks of which you admit you were aware?

We're not questioning the character of Obama's minister, per se. We're questioning Obama's judgment and choice of advisers.

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