“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

William F. Buckley, Jr. On A Liberal Democrat President

As part of my recent memorial post to William F. Buckley, Jr., I found and embedded several vintage Buckley video clips from 1968.

The occasion was his, and Gore Vidal's employment as conservative and liberal, respectively, commentators for the Democratic Party's nominating convention for that year.

In addition to the two clips which I found for the prior post, there is an additional one from the set. This clip continues each commentator's views, this time, as explained by ABC's Frank Reynolds, on how the candidate of the 'other's' party would govern as President.

Isn't Buckley still more or less describing liberal Democrats? Chilling, no?

And didn't Vidal off-handedly sniff that Nixon might be a 'statesman?' Which, in fact, is exactly that for which the former cold-warrior became known- opening China and, to some extent Moscow, to the West.

It took the former anti-communist bulldog, Nixon, to credibly thaw relations with the two major Communist powers, despite Vidal's doubts.

Yet Buckley's characterization of a hypothetical Humphrey Presidency isn't all that different than what one might expect from Hillary or Obama today, is it?


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