“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cashing In- The Clintons' Tax Returns

This past Friday's publication of the Clinton tax returns for 2000-06 pretty much completes the picture of the former First Couple as a pair of hypocrites. But of the two, I think it's fair and timely to paint Hillary as the worse of the two.

For someone who keeps referring on the campaign trail to 'poor working families,' 'hard working families,' and, alternatively, 'the rich,' she has a lot of gall.

She and Bill earned over $100MM in the time period covered by the published returns. Most of it- some $80MM- came from his speaking fees and books. Talk about 'unearned' income.

In Hillary's new world of the working poor and a gloomy America, what possible 'value' could she and Bill have created with all of his hot air and their joint scribblings? Neither of them ever did anything material in the private sector, and Bill made a mockery of the Presidency.

Coming from the Midwest, I have to wonder how many of the centrist, Reagan Democrats now on the fence regarding voting for John McCain, will lean harder in his direction as they learn that the woman who rails against Wall Street has a husband who was paid $15MM by venture capitalist Ron Burkle for 'investment advice.'

What advice? Buy the blue dress- it has investment potential?

And how about when those voters learn that Bill essentially monetized the Presidency in his afterlife to the tune of some $80MM. Would anyone have cared what Bill thought or said if he hadn't become President? Doubtful.

Then there are two other interesting tidbits. The woman who is running on a platform to soak the rich- paid $33MM in taxes for the period of the tax returns!

That's substantially more paid in taxes in six years than most voters will earn in a lifetime.

Then there's the typical Clinton self-dealing in the form of 'charity.' By 'charity,' the Clintons mean lining their own tax-free pockets by contributing to their own charitable foundation.

This foundation then becomes a sinkhole to which their 'friends' can also contribute, and/or the Clintons can use, as they did in South Carolina, to make donations which become quid pro quos for non-economic favors in the political arena.

Pretty nice deal, if you can get it, eh? Of course, you have to come up with the $10MM to fund the personal charitable foundation, first.

It doesn't get much better for a conservative than to watch a grasping, ambitious liberal like Hillary rail against the very thing she then demonstrates herself- and her husband- to be. That is, white-collar rich folks making money with their connections and wits, rather than stocking shelves, fixing cars or welding metal out on 'the line.'

You'd like to think that Hillary might write a big check to the US Treasury, in order to demonstrate her common cause with the poor on whose behalf she alleges to campaign. Fat chance.

If these tax returns don't make middle Americans think twice about the hypocritical witch from New York, I guess nothing will.

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