“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Obama Leaves His Church- Finally

This past weekend's announcement by the freshman Senator from Illinois that he is leaving his church of longstanding membership, Trinity, in Chicago, probably raised as many questions as it answered.

For example, along the lines of questions during the height of the outrage over Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright's racist and anti-American remarks, some now wonder why Obama waited so long to leave the church.

He spent a considerable amount of time and effort attempting to defend the very person and statements over which he now has left.

Further, in his statement announcing his departure, he used words to the effect that he was making no judgment on the church.

Really? That sounds awfully mealy-mouthed and tepid coming from a candidate for our nation's highest office, doesn't it?

He leaves a supposed community of his faith, but attempts to trivialize it by saying he's leaving over nothing.

Either he is separating from the congregation's and ministers' positions, or he's not. Which is it?

Is he so flighty as to leave the bastion of his faith for no particular reason? Or so cowardly that he won't condemn that with which he no longer wishes to be associated?

And, to top it all off, he informed the press that he won't be choosing another church until next year- safely after the voting in November.

As usual, Obama runs from trouble and shows no spine on even the smallest issues.

Is this who you want as President?

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