“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Arrogant One

It's hard to overstate just how arrogant the freshman Senator from Illinois has become.

Did you see the video coverage recently of him declaring, as if he has already won the November election,

'This is our moment?'

As if anyone not on his side is not going to have a say. Disgusting......

Then, in response, we have this recent Letterman 'Top 10' lampoon of the rookie Senator.

When popular media begin to lampoon Obama's arrogance, you know it's now a mainstream, recognized and acknowledged fact.

McCain may not be the perfect candidate. But with the Black Adder already trying to take victory laps before his own party's convention, I think he's looking better and better to more and more voters.

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