“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain's Masterstroke: Sarah Palin for VP

One cannot underestimate the brilliance of John McCain's choice of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate yesterday.

Despite the grousing of Democrats that selecting a female VP candidate will only enrage women who see it as a shallow sop to win their votes, if that's true, then the campaigns of Hillary and the Illinois rookie Senator are the same, in spades. Neither Senator is qualified to be President, and each ran on his/her own minority status.

But, back to McCain and Sarah Palin.

As a sitting governor, Palin already has way more experience with actual government and governing than the Illinois freshman. Obama's handlers' remarks that the choice of Palin "takes experience off the table" is totally wrong. And basically wishful thinking on the part of the Democrats, who are now scared stiff at the prospect of running against a female on the Republican Presidential ticket.

Palin is a conservative's dream- solidly right-wing, a hunter and fisher, possessing a family and husband. As well as a maverick, similar to McCain, in her own state.

Some friends have expressed to me their fears that Palin isn't ready to be President, while McCain has an above-average chance of not making it to the end of his first term.

Personally, I'd take any Republican governor over the Illinois rookie Senator, or Senator "Lying Joe" Biden. Neither of whom has had any experience running so much as a lemonade stand, or crafting anything resembling important legislation.

Further, as today's Wall Street Journal points out, Sarah Palin has actually effected real change. She shook up cozy, corrupt ties between old-boy Alaskan Republicans and oil industry donors.

If Americans want change from someone who's actually done it, rather than just talks about it, McCain with Sarah Palin on his team is a better place to begin than two Democratic windbags from the Senate, one of whom has spent decades doing nothing but lose Presidential primaries and be caught lying.

Finally, by choosing a sitting female Republican governor as his VP candidate, McCain shows that he's not some stodgy old white politician. He 'gets it.' He has introduced fresh, exciting talent into the GOP upper ranks, and shown Americans he is open-minded, creative and running to win.

The squawking of Democrats about how ineffectual and wrong a choice Palin is for McCain's VP is an indication of just how on-target and effective it actually is.

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