“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin's Acceptance Speech

Sarah Palin's acceptance speech of two evenings ago was a tremendous success. That's evident, and no news at all at this point.

What is news, though, is the reaction of the freshman Senator from Illinois.

After spending the bulk of the past 19 months campaigning on style, race and personality, the rookie Senator cum Democratic party Presidential candidate now criticizes Sarah Palin's speech as being lacking in substance.

Obama cried foul because she didn't mention his Illinois state legislature (ine)experience. He should be thankful she didn't focus more attention on his do-nothing career as a part-time legislator.

But it's far richer irony that the Presidential candidate who hides behind race, inexperience and an arrogant attitude, preaching merely 'change,' without admitting to the destructive consequences of his promised programmatic solutions to all of our nation's supposed ills, would complain that Palin didn't provide details of The McCain/Palin ticket's approach to governing the US.

One thing is very clear. Obama and his hapless running mate are now running scared.

Sarah Palin displayed a panache and appeal two nights ago that nobody expected. Her crowd appeal and magnetism is the equal of, if far different from, the Black Adder's own mesmerizing prose and delivery.

But you can bet that Obama's campaign didn't expect anything like the electrifying, enormously likable and telegenic personality that McCain picked as his running mate.

Obama knows that, secretly, quite a few Reagan Democrat and independent women are doing the math and realizing that the chances of Sarah Palin either succeeding McCain during his first term, or running for his job in 2012, are higher than average.

McCain's body took a tremendous amount of abuse in captivity. Whatever you may think of his skill and fortitude, the Presidency is a very weighty job. Everyone who has held the office looks far more aged on the way out.

Either way, Sarah Palin has a fairly high probability of running for President in 2012 if she and McCain win this election. And women everywhere know this.

Obama and Hillary both campaigned heavily on their minority status- one racial, the other politically-contexted gender. Now, of course, their party's pundits and the media which backs them decries the same sort of single-issue voter intent for Palin that they banked on for Hillary or Obama.

Yes, the left is now more scared than before of Sarah Palin. And John McCain's suddenly-brighter chances at gaining the Oval Office come January.

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