“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Congress & The Upcoming Elections

This week has revealed the naked truth about Congressional Democrats. We see Chris Dodd all puffed up and acting important, just months after being fingered for accepting an improper mortgage loan from Countrywide, the nation's large, failed residential lender.

Barney Frank, the hapless, idiotic head of the House Banking Committee, has developed amnesia when asked about his pushing Fannie and Freddie to be ever-larger, as well as mandating them to securitize risky, low-income-earner mortgages.

All the Democrats seem to forget their zest and appetite for forcing US commercial banks to comply with the Community Reinvestment Act, which forced them to make many of the very subprime and alt-A mortgages for which they are now blamed.

And let's not forget how often Congress allowed Acorn to hold up necessary, productive, excess-capacity-reducing mergers of US commercial banks, unless more low-income mortgage lending was promised.

But the winner, by far, in this past week's contest for stupidity and bone-headed misleadership has to go to Frisco Nan- Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

With passage of the financial rescue bill looking certain, Frisco Nan released many of her own party members to vote against the bill, including many committee chairs, freshmen representatives in tight races in the Midwest, and others to whom she chose to grant favors. In all, 90 Democrats were allowed to vote 'no' on the bill.

Then Nan took the floor to expound on her version of the genesis of the need for the bill, giving one of the most vitriolic, partisan speeches of its kind, and certainly during a key, close vote.

When a handful of GOP members therefore voted 'no,' they were blamed for the bill's failure. By no less than Frisco Nan and Barney Frank. Both of whom chose to overlook their own party members' joining with the Republicans.

If you needed proof of what an abysmal, untalented and moronic Speaker Frisco Nan is, this little episode is all you need to know.

Perhaps we Americans will get lucky, and smart, and just sweep all 435 of these clowns out of office come November.

Could we really do any worse with all new faces than this crew has done for us?

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