“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Charles Krauthammer's Blunt Talk About 'Bi-Partisanship'

Last night on Fox News, Brit Hume's panel discussed the President-elect's likely tack on various issues, once in office.

After everyone else had gushed about Frisco Nan's and the rookie Illinois Senator's palaver about 'bipartisanship,' the dry, unflappable Krauthammer noted that the Democrats had just increased their seats in both Houses, and won the Oval Office.

He rather forcefully said, to paraphrase,

'You don't believe a word of this bipartisanship nonsense. He's going to do whatever he and the Congressional Democrats want because they now have the votes and the White House.'

He's right, of course.

Campaigning to many new, young and otherwise gullible voters, the freshman Senator from Illinois naturally told people what they wanted to hear. To wit,

'Elect me, and I'll work as a bipartisan, ney, postpartisan President. We can do this. Yes we can!'

Sounds promising. But empty, coming from a Senatorial newbie.

I've read and heard all sorts of people gushing in conversation, on blogs and websites how, no matter who you voted for, we all have to give the new President-elect our backing and support. And hope he 'succeeds.'

Even Karl Rove uttered a desire that the President-elect 'succeed.'

But what does this mean? 'Succeed' at what, exactly?

An increasingly socialized nation? More left-leaning policies which smother innovation and risk-taking?

Krauthammer is entirely correct. This newly-elected President isn't going to be compromising anything. Nor engaging in any bipartisan dealings.

In fact, on that subject, Dick Morris appeared on Bill O'Reilly's Factor last night, describing what really happened to Bubba Clinton's promises of bipartisanship when he was elected in 1992.

According to Morris, the Democratic Congressional leadership, then in the majority in both houses, offered Clinton a 'deal he couldn't refuse.'

In exchange for staying within the pocket of legislative initiatives which the Democrats would allow, and having those passed, Bubba was prohibited from crossing the aisle to treat with any Republican Congressional members. Period.

Morris was quite emphatic about this. Congressional Democrats stiff-armed Republicans, through Clinton, and forbid any contact.

Don't expect anything else from the current crop of newly-elected and reinforced Democrats for the next 2 years.

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