“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Incredible Naivete of Obama Voters

Fox News aired a disturbing piece last week on its Hannity & Colmes program.

I can't recall the name of the producer/videographer, but the story was essentially this.

A filmmaker had selected for him, without his involvement, a group of people who had voted for the Democratic candidate for President earlier this month. This was, effectively, an exit survey.

He then provided them with a 10-question, multiple choice quiz to complete.

Among the astonishing and troubling results were that every respondent, as verified by the video clip on H&C, thought that both Congressional Houses were controlled by the Republicans!

Further, he documented the extremely toxic environment the media had created for the GOP ticket by asking the voters who, among the four candidates on the two major tickets, had an unmarried teenaged daughter.

Again, every one of the respondents appearing on the video replied the same, and that was, correctly, Sarah Palin.

It reminds me of a discussion which my business partner and I had earlier this year regarding the Constitution's original requirements for voting. Given this horrifying story, I'm going to write a post about that conversation, and what could be done to improve electoral outcomes going forward.

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