“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More Cabinet Embarrassment for The New Messiah: Tim Geithner's Tax Problems

More embarrassment and vetting failures for the New Messiah's team. It seems Treasury nominee Tim Geithner, besides having blood on his hands for his role in the failed Treasury actions of the past year, now has a more personal issue- nonpayment of taxes and failure to properly handle tax matters relating to household help.

Oh my!

Of course, Democratic Senators one and all claim it's irrelevant because:

1. The tax code is so darn complex (gee, I wonder why?) that Geithner can be forgiven for his 'mistake.'

2. Geithner didn't try to cheat, he just made a mistake. Honest!

3. The economy is so bad that we MUST overlook Geithner's personal judgment lapses and confirm him anyway.

Wow. Doesn't this sound like how dictatorships begin? Rules and other conventions are set aside in light of the 'emergency.' A man on horseback is required. No one else will do. We must simply suspend normal conventions and judgments.

But, there are two big problems with this attitude.

First, Geithner received special treatment already. How many of us believe that, were we found guilty of Geithner's sins, but not in line to become a cabinet member, we'd be afforded such amnesty?

Second, it will permanently damage Geithner's credibility in his prospective new job. How can we trust the judgment of a man who either was not sufficiently intelligent to correctly interpret tax laws in his personal situation, or decided against, though being paid well, hiring a competent accountant to advise him on said matters?

If the argument is that he isn't that intelligent, then he shouldn't have the Treasury job.

If the first objection is simply ignored, then we have to consider his intent. That is, maybe it was deliberate. Or deliberate dismissal of his needing to observe rules and laws applying to everyone else.

You know. Those little people. The people who aren't Tim Geithner, important financial sector hotshot.

From such small beginnings do large problems grow.

Isn't it rich that, while publicly displaying a desire and attempt to become President before being sworn in, in a manner never before seen, the New Messiah is concomitantly stumbling badly on cabinet choices?

1 comment:

Red, White, and Blue Patriot said...

This is the biggest joke in the world. Would you make the head immigration guy an illegal alien or how about the joint chiefs all deserters(People who leave their post in the military)