“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nonsensical Steps To Reduce Waste From The First Rookie-Elect

Did you hear the First Rookie's approach to minimizing waste, fraud and corruption in his new $1T stimulus plan?

A website.

Yep. A website. After all, he's the new, improved, techno-savvy President-elect.

So now, all waste will be banished and prevented because he'll have progress reported on a website. Oh, and he is going to add a White House staffer to oversee the progress on the various projects.

But, wait! There's more!

The First Rookie-elect swears that he will brook NO earmarks! Imagine that. Suddenly, the Democratic party is against these pork barrel goodies.

Of course, if you read some of the 'priority,' 'shovel ready' projects described in that prior, linked post, you understand the game here.

Mayors and Governors place earmarks in ahead of the Senate and House additions. So the earmarks appear to be genuine demand from local and state officials.

Of course, you get the same result. Swimming pools and ice skating rinks to improve our nation's competitive, economic infrastructure.

This is one case where I agree with CNBC's blowhard, Mark Hanes. He moaned loudly earlier this week when some reporter listed the various checks and balances which the Illinois Rookie plans to use to make sure that his precious trillion dollar spending spree is not wasteful.

Hanes yawned and noted that every President promises to closely monitor spending, eliminate waste and fraud, etc., etc.

Then, in a classic example of media bias, Steve Liesman, the economic cub reporter for CNBC, allowed as how any rushed government spending program will waste a lot of money. Liesman then declared that if the First Rookie can avoid even a little waste, it will be an achievement.

When was the last time you heard any media figure give a pass like that to a Republican? Especially President Bush.

So, the bottom line is, look for the Democrat's trillion dollar spending orgy to bleed, what, tens of millions of dollars into blind alleys, pockets of political friends and hacks, etc.

I am forecasting that by about year three of the new administration, the various graft and corruption cases will begin to surface, discrediting Mr. 'Post-Partisan Politics' once and for all.

This is what happens when you elect a completely inexperienced person to the world's most complex executive position.

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