“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today's Inaugural Irony: Freedom Lost

Today's inauguration of the First Rookie carries a heavily ironic message.

Many seem to feel this is some sort of "historic" inauguration. Apparently, they feel that there is some sort of meaning as the first non-Caucasian takes the oath of office.

No, wait. That would be non-racist.

These people feel it's special that a black person is taking that oath. Unspoken, but present, is the implication that a black becoming President somehow provides a lesson about freedom, because once, in this country, as in many others, there was slavery. Most recently, of blacks.

Of course, this President-elect is not, we were first told, actually fully of black descent. No, he campaigned by notably emphasizing his white grandparents, though alleging the grandmother was racist. No matter, apparently. When it suits the First Rookie to be black, he's black. When partly-Caucasian, evidently, he's that, too. How omni-racial.

Isn't it ironic, then, that as many celebrate what they feel is some sense of freedom, that a person whose race mostly came to America's shores as slaves, is being inaugurated as President, that person embodies the strongest desire to take all of our freedoms of any President since his Democratic predecessor, LBJ.

Wonderboy's stated desire to spend a trillion dollars of our money to ease everybody's presumed unfair suffering, pay lower-income workers more 'just because,' nationalize healthcare, and arrogantly claim that he can personally create millions of 'green' jobs, signify the greatest loss of personal freedoms Americans will face in a generation.

Truly, it is a sad day for American liberty and freedom. The rights for which our forefathers fought the Revolution.

In only two and a half hours, America plunges into the darkness of encroaching socialism, thanks to Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, combined with the loss of departing, steadfast President Bush's veto over the worst of the socialistic programs.

It's going to be a long four years until we are once again led by someone who truly understands freedom and liberty, rather than the desire to burden us all with the yoke of socialism.

But in only two years, we might see one or both Houses of Congress break free, out of disgust with what is going to be a rocky and ill-fated Presidency, beginning in just a few hours.

1 comment:

Red, White, and Blue Patriot said...

The one drop-rule you either are or are not white or non-white. Obama would be non-white. Good post.