“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will The New Messiah Endorse "War Crimes" Show Trials?

Friday's Wall Street Journal contained an editorial by Kim Strassel discussing House Democrat John Conyers' hopes of dragging Bush administration members before House show trials on trumped up charges.

Strassel notes that this will be an acid test for the First Rookie. Campaigning on a theme of hope and change, not to mention post-partisanship, it will not go down well if he backs this House Democrat witch hunt.

Given how sceptical people are already becoming about the New Messiah's spending plans and how he's already reneged on his promises and hired a lobbyist for his cabinet, he doesn't need any new mistakes right out of the gate.

Plus, if Mr. Post-partisan in any way countenances, allows or abets this Congressional witch hunt, you can bet that as soon as the GOP reclaims one of the Houses of congress in 2010, they're going to return the favor.

And don't forget the looming conflict between Frisco Nan's liberal extremists and Wonderboy. This might well be the ground on which it begins, which is bad for both of them. To waste time and effort, publicly, arguing with fellow Democrats about convicting out-of-office Republicans won't reflect well on either Congress or Wonderboy.

I think Strassel is entirely correct when she finishes her column with,

"The president's best bet is shut this down soon, and quietly- before he no longer can."

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