“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Carolyn Maloney Wants To Eliminate Private Contracts

New York Democratic Representative Carolyn Maloney is reaching new heights of stupidity and legislative excess.

I wrote this post last month describing her economic naivete. It was hard to believe Maloney could behave worse than that on live television. But she has.

Yesterday, I saw her ranting on Grat Von Sustern's Fox News program that she was introducing legislation to tax the recent AIG bonuses at 100%! Moreover, when Greta pointed out that these were private contracts, Maloney retorted that Congress would simply nullify them.

That's right. This Congressional idiot is now rampaging through contract law, a linchpin of our economic system, threatening- no, promising- to simply legislate private contracts to be void.

It's hard to fully convey the irrational, grasping, power-crazed persona that Maloney projected last night.

For what it's worth, even Charlie Rangel, another liberal NY Democratic Representative, and tax-cheating-embroiled chair of the Ways and Means Committee, has indicated that he is hesitant to use the tax code to punish specific groups.

To her, standing laws, legal protections and the sanctity of the contract are nothing. If her own culpability as a member who voted for the TARP is inconvenient, she'll simply shred existing legal protections using federal power.

This woman is dangerous. Let's hope her district sends her back to whatever she was doing before she became a stain on our Congress.

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