“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, March 1, 2009

CNBC's Ever More Explicit Liberal Tilting

CNBC has been pulling out all the stops to paint Wonderboy's various spending and taxing programs as good for America.

It began earlier this week, when the channel's Hispanic morning show anchor, Carlos whatshisname (spelled Quintanilla, I believe, but not pronounced that way), interviewed Republican after Republican in the Capitol, grinning from ear to ear as he repeated his refrain,

'So, does the GOP have the ability to anything but just say 'no' to these bills, since you are simply opposing them? Is that a wise choice to just oppose these bills?'

Each Republican, from Eric Cantor on, replied, correctly, that they offered their own alternative bills, which were rejected out of hand.

Carlos Q ignored this point- every time. He just kept grinning in obvious delight as he needled the GOP members for being essentially powerless, and attempted to paint them as simply obstructing what everyone knows is truth, justice and the American Way.

Meanwhile, only softball questions are thrown at leading Democrats like Steny Hoyer. He was allowed to get away with a baldfaced lie, claiming that Bubba Clinton's administration 'created' 6 times the number of jobs as were added during George W. Bush's two terms.

Then, yesterday morning, the channel paraded a host of Democratic apologists for the tax and spending increases.

Jared Bernstein, VP Biden's economic hack, claimed they had 'worked with' GOP members in the Congress, therefore, the Republicans were simply being obstructionist. Bernstein's account, of course, differs from that of every Republican Representative or Senator involved. The latter explain that their ideas were ignored by Democrats, who were told to take their cues from Frisco Nan, the stimulus bill's author.

Then the OMB director was put on air to cry foul in answer to the charges of tax hikes. He mumbled some numbers about overall tax cuts and claimed that taxes were going down, not up.

Just amazing.

I guess the good news is that CNBC is a business news channel, not a general media outlet, such as Fox News. They probably don't draw as large and audience, and most of whom do watch are smart enough to recognize the liberal lies CNBC peddles or hosts.

As such, the lies and bias inherent in CNBC's coverage isn't seen by most Americans. A saving grace for us all.

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