“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Warm Boy" Al Gore Ducks Bjorn Lomborg

I saw a brief clip of a scene from the Wall Street Journal's recent climate conference on Sean Hannity's Fox News program last night. It seems that the same clip is on YouTube this morning, as well, but it is marked 'private,' so I could not view it.

The scene was hysterical. Noted former Greenpeace scientist Bjorn Lomborg, now a prominent and credible doubter about global warming, Warm Boy Al's signature issue, challenged Gore to a debate.

The offer was simple and unmistakable. Bjorn issued an offer to Al to debate the topic of global warming.

Al ducked.

he hemmed, and hawed, and took about 15 seconds to manage to squeeze out a contention that all sorts of scientists had now determined that humans are responsible for global warming, so that's it.

No need for further debate.

Lomborg is the world's most credible, vocal and pragmatic voice regarding analysis of various green initiatives. He's given seminars all over the world and conducted workshops for the UN and other bodies involving the rating of importance and benefits/costs of key environmental initiatives.

With Lomborg's guidance, these groups always rate global warming at the bottom of the list of urgent topics on which the world should actually spend money. That's because it is:

a) not clearly identified as caused by humans;
b) may be a natural earth cycle that we cannot control, and;
c) the cost of doing anything about it is enormous, while the effects of human action will likely have little effect on any natural earth processes.

Faced with a real debate opponent, rather than a mute video camera, Oscar-winning Al was continuing to weasel his way out of the challenge when the clip ended.

Does that sound like a confident proponent of his position to you? Instead, it sounds like Warm Boy thinks that just because a bunch of Hollywood airheads gave him an award, his conclusions must be true.

No need to debate it anymore. Hollywood said it's so!

Sadly, our newly-inaugurated First Rookie thinks so, too. So much for intelligence in the Oval Office for the next four years.

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