“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, April 17, 2009

Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s New Problems

News breaking earlier this week regarding promised payments to former Illinois governor Blago by friends and associates of the state's Democratic Representative to Congress, Jesse Jackson, Jr., have refueled interest in the state's corrupt Democratic party and those emanating from it.

It would be somewhat credible to learn that Jackson's supporters had approached the former governor's brother with promises of $4MM in campaign contributions without the former's knowledge.

But that was prior to learning that the Congressman's brother was one of those involved. It's almost completely inconceivable that the sitting Representative was unaware, or briefed by his own brother about illicit activities to secure him the Senate seat vacated by Wonderboy.

Just when the First Rookie probably felt that the scandals in his old political haunts had abated, they flame up anew. Additionally, it refocuses attention on the already scandal-plagued Jacksons. Thus, the alleged federal investigation into the apparent corruption once again hits home very close to Wonderboy in terms of the party, locale and even race of those involved.

Unless I'm mistaken, hasn't that seat now become Illinois' "black" Senate seat, beginning with the also scandal-tainted reign of Carol Moseley Brown?

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