“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sotomayor's Second Chance

I happened to be watching a news channel today when Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont solemnly intoned that, after asking racist Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor the meaning of her oft-quoted remarks about 'wise latinas,' she provided him an answer that has completely set his doubting little Democratic mind at ease.

Oh yes, because Pat was really- I mean, really- considering voting against her nomination.

Somehow, Leahy assured one and all, Sotomayor just forgot to add that she meant a 'wise latina' could interpret how to apply the appropriate law better than a white male.

See the difference?

Before, Sotomayor's remark was clearly racist, and something in which she reveled, being, well, you know.....a wise latina. With appropriate minority life experience, including poverty, struggles, and all the things that only non-white, or non-males can claim as valuable qualifications.

But, now that she's up for the high court, she is of course accorded a second chance on every utterance, written word, etc., that has been recorded and might trip her up.

So, no surprise, Sotomayor now she remembers that she meant to refer to applying the law as a wise latina.

Apparently, the life experience stuff was misinterpreted by all of us.

Yes, indeedy!!

Now that Sonia has had help donning the white, fleecy garments of innocence, her wolfish fangs are hidden, as is the truth of anything she said in her former judicial, or the rest of her life, that might possibly cause some Democrat in the Senate to have such shame at voting for this racist jurist that s/he'd actually decline to confirm her.

Appearances must be preserved!

Aren't second chances wonderful? Just the best! You get to take back anything you said, did or wrote in the past that actually got you to where you are. Now, you can just renounce it all, as the Omega job in your profession appears within reach!

And it's logical to believe that they will for the liberal Senators. After all, didn't voters swallow Wonderboy's speedy move away from Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, after which he denied ever really having been close to either of them, or sharing their views? Essentially repudiating what got him elected state Senator from South Chicago?

Hey, if it worked for the First Rookie, who is a certified minority, why shouldn't Sonia try it, too?

Buckle up and grab an airsick bag. It's going to be a disgusting confirmation hearing, as Wonderboy tries to frog march the Senate to meet his demand that this racist be confirmed for the Supreme Court prior to its summer recess.

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