“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, December 4, 2009

White House "Job Summit" Lies

I had to laugh when I heard the sound bites from Wonderboy's vaunted, pointless "jobs summit" yesterday at the White House.

The Anointed One only made a token 15 minute appearance, then hurried off to something else. Probably another speech, or reviewing the one he gave in Allentown this morning.

But the sound bite I kept hearing this morning on CNBC was this statement from Wonderboy's right-hand thug, Valerie Jarrett,

"If anyone has ideas on how to create jobs, I want to hear them."

Actually, it's a lie.

We know this because many business people and Republican Congressmen have called for two specific job-creating steps which Wonderboy refuses to acknowledge:

1. Rather than pass a $787B pork-laden "stimulus" bill, simply declare a personal income tax holiday for 2009.

2. Send legislation to Capitol Hill authorizing either permanent or very long term (10 years) reductions in payroll taxes for workers hired this year and kept for some minimum period.

These two steps would accomplish the very important task of allowing individuals, as employees and employers, to choose how to save, spend or invest their own money. Rather than have politicians construct massive spending programs to curry favor with voters or donors, using borrowed money, let individuals make their own economic choices.

This would increase individual economic freedom and liberty.

Thus, why Wonderboy and Jarrett aren't interested,

What the First Assistant Thus should have said was,

"If anyone out there has ideas which fit our far left, socialistic views on how to create jobs, I want to hear them. But I don't want to hear any ideas that promote individual control of ones own economic destiny."

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