“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, January 24, 2011

Limbaugh on Nobel Peace Prize Laurates & Irony

Rush Limbaugh, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal,

"The moral code, the moral compass of the state-controlled media is something to behold. Now, some of you may not know the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner hosted a state dinner last night for Hu Jintao of China. Hu Jintao is holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison in China. Not making it up. The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner hosted a dinner for the guy holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison, and the media does not get the irony of this at all. They're too busy running around chasing Sarah Palin and radio talk show hosts over "civility." "

Yes, and one wonders if Barbra Streisand knew, too, that she was attending a state dinner in honor of the imprisoner of a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Or that the host was in denial about this, as well.

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