“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, July 15, 2011

Constitutional Checks & Balances: Eric Cantor vs. Wonderboy

It's Thursday morning as I write this post. The media has been rife with stories of Wonderboy's temper tantrum last night over Eric Cantor's remarks, allegedly ending with his taunt,

'Don't call my bluff, Eric.'

Then the First Child reportedly slammed his chair into the table and stormed out of the meeting.

You know Cantor was on to something because this morning, Harry Reid is criticizing him.

But, seriously, you have to respect our Founding Fathers' design of the Constitution at moments like this. Why?

Well, we have a president, elected nearly three years ago, whose grandiose spending, borrowing and taxing schemes have come a cropper. They've failed. The economy continues to stagnate, employment hasn't rebounded, and, now, the federal debt has risen to its legal limit.

Meanwhile, a GOP House majority elected less than a year ago, on a tide of Tea Party anti-spending and -taxing fervor, are responding by passionately blocking Wonderboy's attempt to blithely continue his spending, while raising taxes, too, as his terms for signing a debt limit raise.

The specter of dozens of freshmen GOP Representatives intent on upholding their promise to constituents to cut spending while not raising taxes is a key part of James Madison's Constitutional check and balance system.

At present, however, we have a president given to tantrums and egotistical grandstanding. He demonizes those who disagree with him.

Perhaps the most ironic moment came yesterday, as Wonderboy was reported to proclaim that his presidency 'may go down' on the debt limit issue, but he wasn't going to give in to House demands for spending cuts without tax hikes.

It's the president's job to manage Treasury issues, which now include having sufficient money to fund obligations. Too bad Obama pushed Congress to spend so many trillions in the past 2 1/2 years, while his party held majorities in both houses of Congress, but neglected to take the opportunity to raise the debt limit.

This is how you know the First Rookie is, well, a rookie. A more seasoned executive would have realized, in advance, to attend to that important detail.

Now that his spending binge has hit the debt limit, Wonderboy is behaving like a three year-old, blasting everyone else and claiming to be the only adult in the room. The reality is that his own spending and borrowing, combined with his lack of managerial experience, led to this impasse.

Now a recently-elected House GOP majority is fairly representing their voters' wishes for less spending, less borrowing and no more taxes.

In opposition to those voters' wishes is an imperial president who believes he can do no wrong. And intends, as he threatened Cantor, to take to the airwaves- again and again, as he has done recently- to try to convince Americans that he is right and Cantor/Boehner are wrong.

Trouble is, as of Wednesday night, Dick Morris was explaining on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News program that polls show Americans see the president as the source of this standoff, not the GOP.

Should be an interesting July in Washington. But one thing to take solace with is that what you see is nothing more than Madison's intended design of checks on presidential imperialism specifically of the sort. Wonderboy is attempting to exercise.

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