“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Saturday, January 13, 2007

2008 Democratic Presidential Candidates

This week brought some new lows in Presidential candidates, in my opinion.

I learned, for instance, that Connecticut's own Senator Chris Dodd has declared himself a candidate for the Democratic nomination. Is he insane?

Running for President takes a very large amount of money, and at least some notional amount of novel ideas for solving problems. Dodd has, in my estimation, neither.

Of course, the Democrats seem to be running a sort of 'seniors' Presidential race for 2008. Anyone who has run and lost, or won, in the past 14 years is welcome- Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards. Perhaps even Bill Clinton, along with Hilary.

Is Dukakis eligible?

Then you have the totally inexperienced Senator, and I use the term loosely, from my home state of Illinois- Barack Obama. This is someone who has done nothing of import to justfiy running for our nation's highest office. At least Abe Lincoln was a U.S. Representative, and failed Senatorial candidate, on a national stage and issue, before winning the Presidency.

With a field this large and varied, it's going to get ugly, fast. And expensive.

Personally, I'm salivating over the prospect of watching Hilary Clinton and Obama tear each other to pieces in the primaries, while Bill Richardson attempts to slip by both of them, on the basis of his experience, current gubernatorial post, and all-round aura of competence.

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