“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Liberal Cat Fight: Hillary, Obama & Hollywood

OK, yes, it was supremely gratifying to see this happen. As a conservative, could I wish for a more public display of liberal Democratic dysfunctionality?

David Geffen switches alliances and backs Obama in his first major fundraiser. The Hollywood glitterati set turns out, virtually guaranteeing, as usual, more solid Midwest support for whomever opposes Obama. But then it gets really brutal.

Geffen, according to one paper,

"Once a top donor to former president Bill Clinton and a favoured guest in the Lincoln bedroom, (Geffen) then trashed the couple in a New York Times interview, branding the former president "reckless" and calling the senator dishonest and "an incredibly polarizing figure." "

It goes on to say that Hillary and Obama personally remained cool, but their minions immediately began lobbing grenades at each other in the media. But then that changed.

This piece, here, recounts some of Obama's recent barbs directed at Hillary.

Mind you, aside from the money and glamor, it's not actually clear how much value Hollywood will be to the eventual Democratic nominee for President. It may have helped Clinton, but, then again, it may not have. He was running against a tired George Bush, Sr., and a luckless and uninspiring Bob Dole. Gore and Kerry went down in flames with the ultra-left Hollywood crowd misbehaving on their behalf. If I were Obama or Hillary, I'd think twice before accepting that kind of "help."

Goodbye, possible Hillary-Obama dream minority ticket in November, 2008. Goodbye, Hillary trying to edge too far to the center on Iraq and national defense. Now, she'll be attempting to paint herself more left/liberal on Iraq, even as that opens the center for McCain in the general election.

Yes, the Chinese have it right..... to the confusion of our enemies.

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