“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The US House of Representatives' Non-Binding Surrender...er...Resolution

Well, 'Frisco Nan has done it again. Conservatives could never convince voters that the Democrats, in the majority, could behave as unpatriotically and spinelessly as Nan has demonstrated that they can.

With this week's 'non-binding resolution,' or, shall we say, surrender, on Iraq, the House Democrats (and a few fellow gutless Republicans who should be turned out in 2008), have shown themselves to be totally lacking in the courage of their convictions.

By the way, I caught a few minutes of some discussion of this on one cable program- either Kudlow, O'Reilly, or Hannity & Colmes- and as a conservative guest kept calling it "surrender," a Democratic strategist guest furiously screamed that it was no such thing. Guess you know when you've hit home, eh?

By making the resolution non-binding, they hope, of course, to have it both ways. Vote down further activities in Iraq calculated to win, but not actually force the issue and take responsibility.

The Senate version of this resolution failed on Friday.

Personally, I think this is an ideal counterpoint for conservatives who appreciate Bush's steadfast leadership on the issue.

For instance, when the Democrats complained that the war wasn't going well, Bush switched tactics and leadership. Now that Casey, whose strategy they say failed, is out, the Democrats are quoting him left, right and center to allege that Bush is wrong for now fixing what was wrong before. Petraeus is seen as catering to Bush's whims, while Casey is now lionized by the Democrats as a sort of victim of Bush's tyrannical personality.

Really, you can't win either way with the obstructionist Democratic Congress. Don't listen to them, and you are inflexible. Respond to them, and those who delivered failure are suddenly dethroned heroes and experts, while the newly-appointed commanders must be political patsies.

This is going to seriously hurt all the Democrats come November, 2008. The House will probably lose a lot of seats over this- more than enough to offset the ouster of the Republican turncoats. The Senate, from which most of the Democratic Presidential contenders hail, will have this stuck in their throats, no matter what the outcome in Iraq. If they move to hamper funding, it will be doubly bad for them. A victory, or improving situation, will show them to be cowards. A worsening situation will make them liable for the defeat. Just like ....ah.....yes, Vietnam!

There's that old aphorism again, that from which you do not learn, you are destined to repeat. And the Democratic liberals are about to repeat their failure in Vietnam, only in Iraq this time.

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