“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse's Honest Remarks

So, now we know.

Even Jesse Jackson disapproves of the junior Illinois Senator Obama's treatment of other blacks. And Obama is his Senator, too.

Yesterday's comments on an open mike in front of Jackson revealed his true feelings about his fellow black and Presidential hopeful.

He said Obama treats blacks badly. Here's a YouTube video including Jackson's actual remarks, and some coverage of them, including his lame, post-incident apology.

Even other blacks don't trust Obama. And Jackson's 'apology' really simply means Jesse will back any black, just to get a black President.


But the bottom line is, there is no 'unity' over Obama, even among his own kind. As I wrote here in a prior post in May, beware the Obama brand of unity- and pay attention to the honest reactions and comments of people like Jackson regarding the Black Adder.

Obama's brand of 'unity' comes at too high a price. When even usually mouthy, agenda-bearing gaflies like Jesse Jackson kowtow after expressing their honest views, you know we'll be in trouble if Obama is elected.

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