“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bubba Clinton's Third Term Starts In January '09

I heard Dick Morris refer to the President-elect's administration as basically another four years of Bubba Clinton's old White House and cabinet.

The vultures certainly are circling- Madeleine Not-So-Bright, Rahm Emanuel, and even Bubba's wife. Carol Browner is being mentioned, too.

Where's the break with the nation's partisan past? Where's the proto-post-partisan administration now? Post-election?

Instead, the Illinois rookie Senator is essentially drawing his poker hand from the Clintonista discard pile.

As Morris noted on the Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes program last night, these Clinton retreads are just older and more mercenary than they were last time they held the reins of power. Morris made a point of saying that these returning pols will be mostly out for themselves, owing no allegiance to the newly-elected President.

He singled out Hillary Clinton's prospective role as Secretary of State for special consideration. Noting Bubba's global shakedown enterprise for his library, charity, and various colleagues, irrespective of the ethics or morality of his marks, Dick Morris pointed out how dangerous it would be for conflicts of interest having Bubba's wife at State.

But, just taking a step back, you have to ask what is going on?

We have a newly-elected, young President relying on an old Democratic administration, known for corruption (think Ron Brown) and low morals (think....um.....Bubba himself with Monica!), for his key staff positions.

In fact, if Ron Brown hadn't died in that suspicious plane accident, while under investigation for taking bribes as Secretary of Agriculture, he'd be a natural for the new administration, wouldn't he?

Yet again, the Illinois freshman has begun to spend his honeymoon capital before the month of his election is even over.

For conservative observers, it's just getting better each day!

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