“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Vigilant Opposition

One thing- perhaps the only thing- that is positive about Democrats controlling both Houses and the Oval Office is that, already, it is proving both enjoyable and easier to constructively criticize the incumbents and about-to-be-incumbents, then defend the imperfect GOP officials.

Fact is, no government is ever perfect. For the past eight years, one particular liberal Democratic acquaintance has picked on some detail each week, with which to attempt to bully and intimidate me regarding the Bush administration.

When the party with which I more closely identify, even if I refuse to consider myself a full-fledged Republican, is criticized, my natural reaction is to first decide whether or not it's a relevant, significant issue.

However, being in opposition now affords me the ability to be equally critical- all the time!

How satisfying to see the Illinois rookie already making gaffes within a week of his election! Like this one, here.

And this is only the first of many, many more to come. Especially given the Messianic fervor which which so many have invested magical powers in the unaccomplished, inexperienced President-elect.

Think of the staffing mistakes. The lack of proper administrative oversight and governance by someone who's never run so much as a lemonade stand in his life.

Yes, this is going to be a target-rich two- and four-year stint for us conservatives.

1 comment:

Red, White, and Blue Patriot said...

For conservatives like myself are just going to get hammered. It is going to be a very rough four years. If the Democrats improve on their position in the House and Senate the last two years will be brutal but we made it though Clinton so this won't be too bad