“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, January 30, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Is Right: Obama Should Fail

Rush Limbaugh was right to state that he hopes the newly-elected President fails in his attempt to force the liberal agenda on this country.

For nearly eight years, liberals in Congress and outside of it loudly proclaimed their opposition to President George Bush and his initiatives. Only last session, the Democrat-controlled House and Senate attempted to hobble President Bush's successful prosecution of the war in Iraq.

Now, however, with the election of the New Messiah, dissent is no longer allowed. As I wrote in this post in May of last year,

"Thus, when you hear a Presidential candidate, e.g., Obama, call for "unity" on any issue aside from war, beware. That candidate means to rule without dissent.

"Unity" means, in other words,

'When I become President, I will dictate, and, in the name of 'unity,' you will comply and there will be no dissent. Dissent goes against unity. And unity will be the mantra by which I lead and enforce all my demands of Congress.'

Even Reagan didn't appeal for unity with his economic rescue of the country after Carter nearly ruined it, economically and militarily. He simply appealed to Americans to back his push for more economic freedom, lower taxes, less government spending, and a stronger defense."

This is indeed what Wonderboy is doing. He is demonizing any who would oppose him.

He stumped Congress, which everyone knows he already had in his pocket, thanks to his party's majorities in both Houses. He made a pretense of wanting bipartisanship, but his party's troops in both Houses have stiff-armed Republican ideas, then claimed that the GOP wouldn't compromise.

Limbaugh's article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal made a lot of sense. More than Wonderboy's bloated gigantic spending package.

What's amazing is how stupid the sitting President was to name Limbaugh when trying to shame Republican Congress members into voting for his bill. He elevated Rush to equal status with the President, and gave even more air time and credibility to the popular radio talk show host.

Criticizing Republicans for voting against his bill, and claiming they are simply being partisan, and blindly following Limbaugh, simply exposes Wonderboy for the fraud that he is. He won't brook debate or dissent.

Only last evening, a guest on one of Fox News' programs noted that this spending bill is the single largest appropriation ever voted on in Congress, yet only one hour of debate was allowed.

This is post-partisanship and unity? No, this is dictatorship.


Anonymous said...

You are so right. We should try another Hoover Great Experiment and do nothing or give rich people more tax cuts and hope they will not fire people like me or hire my cousin and maybe shop at WalMart or Nordstrom

C Neul said...

I think it's fair to say you barely grasp most of what is written in this blog, and in this post.

First, Hoover took a surprising, unreported number of measures to combat the oncoming depression. It has recently been noted that, without Hoover's groundbreaking actions, FDR would never have been able to advance his socialism as far as he did.

Second, you should hope that government doesn't have more infuence on your position than your employer. If you can't appreciate the difference, you are hopeless.

Your misinformation regarding who receives tax cuts is sad, but not totally surprising. Don't worry, though, they'll be coming for you, too, sooner than you ever thought possible. Of course, you'll also pay through higher inflation and a depreciated dollar, making imports- oh, yes, like, ah, gasoline- much more expensive.

Did you vote for Wonderboy? Welcome to his world!