“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, September 14, 2009

Health Care Misinformation: A Cultural Bias

Last night I watched part of MTV's Music Video Awards program. The same obstreperous British so-called comedian, Russell Brand, who apparently hosted the program last year, did so again this year.

Having heard of his left-wing diatribes, Obama stumping and Bush-bashing from last year's program, I had the sound muted for most of the first 10 minutes. However, thinking he was finished with his politically-slanted monologue, I unmuted the sound.

What I caught was Brand's extolling Britain's "free health care" while Americans "died in the streets."

Even now, years after its founding, I would expect that MTV still pulls a younger audience demographic than the average television viewer. Thus, many young, ill-informed and impressionable, dare I say, gullible youths may actually believe Brand's lies.

It's news to me, for example, that a lot of Americans die "in the streets." Some may be treated and, yes, pass, in ERs, without insurance. But that doesn't mean they don't receive some sort of care.

Meanwhile, regarding Britain's National Health Service, well, sometimes, things are worth their price. In this case, nothing, which is what Brand contends Brits pay for the service.

Perhaps its going to be a perpetual cultural bias that the arts always tend toward liberal, if factually incorrect, positions, and, thus, influence the young with false propaganda.

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