“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Monday, June 25, 2007

America, The Plutocracy

As I discussed handicapping the very early Presidential race with my conservative friend, Merritt, the other day, he identified an astonishing pattern.

I have to admit, for someone who believes I am pretty observant, this shocked me.

Merritt noted that, if Hillary is elected in 2008, the US will have been governed by Presidents from just two immediate families for a total of 24 years.

How could I have missed this?

Between three Bush terms, and what would be at least three, and possibly four, Clinton terms, you have plutocracy which outstrips even FDR.

Which is why I think this bodes very poorly for Hillary. I can't see many red state Americans, including many who voted Democratic in those states, and many in red states, prolonging the rule of the Clintons.

Never mind the two party system. We're talking "two family" system now.

Because if Hillary wins, you know Jeb Bush will become an immediate candidate for 2012.

Honestly, I just don't think a lot of Americans are ready to commit America to nearly three decades of rule by just two small families.

America, in my opinion, is ready for a black or female President. Just not 'this' female, Hillary, or 'that' black, Obama.

She's too shrill and calculating, he's too immature and inexperienced.

And now, add to that, she's going to perpetuate incestuous leadership of the country in a manner heretofore never seen.

You can take all the polls you want, and argue about how much money each candidate has. But, sometimes, it's the emotional issues, not the quantifiable ones, that make the difference.

On this one, I think most Americans will recoil in horror as they learn, and they surely will sometime in the next 17 months, that Hillary's election would result in such a long, unbroken string of Presidents emanating from just two immediate, non-extended families.

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