“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hillary's Dilemma

Peggy Noonan wrote a wonderful piece in her Weekend Wall Street Journal column about how Hillary Clinton's challenge is to prove she's a woman. Without belaboring the point, I wholeheartedly agree.

I even know women, liberal women, who will not vote for Hillary because she doesn't cry, show emotion, or behave as many women feel a woman should. Politician or not.

In fact, a friend and I opined that Hillary really should consider simply taking the feminine high road, and behave like a woman. This way, she probably would sew up all the woman voters, who comprise a plurality of the registered base.

On the other flank, the Journal ran a piece citing the Nation's article concerning attacks by feminists on Hillary. In her move to the relative center of various political positions, Hillary had to abandon some of the more blatant 'just for women' stands, including her vote to invade Iraq.

So, Hillary has some difficulties ahead. She is too centrist and compromising for the hard-core feminine left. And she's not woman enough for many women who want a woman candidate for President to actually be different than a man. Which Hillary is trying mightily not to be.

It is by no means a slam dunk that the Democratic nominee for President will be elected, nor that that nominee will be Hillary.

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