“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ann Coulter on John Edwards et. al.

I have followed Ann Coulter's recent flap with Elizabeth Edwards with interest and, frankly, glee.

Ann is right..this alone should sink Edwards' candidacy. What is he thinking, sending his wife to do his work for him?

Is this how he will handle Al Qaeda, as Coulter wondered aloud? Send his wife to bargain with them, or complain about how mean they are, killing all those people?

I guess after the Clintons, Edwards figures he needn't wait til he's in office to have his wife work for him as his Secretary of State.

I recall, in my youth, that Ed Muskie sank his campaign in tears, while railing at the Manchester Union. Nowadays, crying like that would probably seal his election.

On a related note, I think Coulter was totally on target to parallel Bill Mahre's outrageous suggestion that assassinating Vice President Cheney would 'save lives in Iraq.' She waggishly told her interviewer, after the sandbagged call from Elizabeth Edwards, that next time she comments about Edwards, she, too, will suggest a terrorist assassination of the candidate.

Honestly, the entire Edwards-Coulter episode is now stranger than fiction. To see John Edwards on Chris Matthews' show, alleging that Coulter appeals only to extremists, is also surreal. This living Ken-doll spouting media sound bites and incredible disconnected views on what he and his wife did, left me wondering who could possibly believe him?

I think Coulter's response was spot-on, portraying Edwards' weakness and cowardice. It is difficult for me to believe Edwards now has any chance at all in the race for the Presidency. Which is how it should be.

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