“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama Wants Europeans To Vote In US Elections

Taking chutzpah to the limit, the junior Senator from Illinois presumed to be in the same company as Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, as he visited Berlin to give a speech this week.

He alleged that he was visiting as a private citizen, not a member of Congress, nor as a candidate. But, of course, he was there for political reasons. For instance, his staff explained the Black Adder's refusal to visit US troops in the country because the funds for his trip were from his Presidential campaign war chest.

Funny, eh? Even the simplest of explanations by this guy get complicated and conditioned.

That must be what 'post-partisan' looks like. Because Obama says so.

But, back to the theme of his Berlin address.

Like Democratic Presidential candidates before him- Gore and Kerry- Obama clearly thinks that the European opinion of the US and its President are far more important than those of mere US voters.

Why else to go to Berlin and attempt to look sage, Presidential, and capable of 'handling' foreign affairs.

But, of course, giving a speech to a bunch of Berliners in a country that wishes Americans would quit forcing them to make hard foreign policy choices is way different than actually conducting foreign policy as President of the US.

Does the Black Adder know this difference? Sadly, probably not. Lacking any significant life-experience that would matter for being President, why should he now doubt he is unqualified to do anything?

I'm sure Obama wishes Europeans could vote in US elections. His kind believe that world opinion counts for probably more than the mere opinions of those Americans who do not agree with his positions.

And since Obama is clear in his desire to avoid ever using American military force, Europeans love him. They have had a thinly-veiled hatred of American power since 1945. It's really a passive-aggressive thing. They want our protection, but only on their terms. When they want safety, they come running. When they want to feel important, like they once were over a hundred years ago, they eschew American values and power.

Right now, Obama is their guy. He'll kowtow to them like nobody's business.

Too bad for the rookie Senator that European views carry little weight in US Presidential elections.

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