“No Man’s life liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session”.

- attributed to NY State Judge Gideon Tucker

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Obama's Latest Ploy To Fool Voters

The rookie Senator from Illinois was busy trying to fool 'all of the people some of the time' this week as he quickly appeared for photo ops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Hoping that literally punching his airline ticket to these destinations will equate, for some voters, foreign policy heft and experience, he finally chose to visit the globe's current hotspots.

I don't believe John McCain is the world's best foreign policy expert. But, as a long-serving Senator and mature adult, I think he is as well-suited as most Presidential candidates to grapple with the challenges in that arena. Probably better than many, actually.

In contrast, the inexperienced first-term Senator Obama has little practical experience outside of his political infighting in Springfield, Illinois, and Chicago's South Side.

Will a few well-posed pictures of the Black Adder looking thoughtful and wise amongst the hills of Afghanistan or the sands of Iraq propel him to victory in November?

If they do, then we, as a country, deserve the rookie we get as a result.

Obama's predecessor is credited with that great statement about fooling people. It looks like the current junior Illinois Senator is only focused on fooling, not actually faithfully executing the office of President of the United States.

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